The Excel Tip You Didn’t Know You Needed Until Right Now

As you know, I like to dabble in a little spreadsheet every now and again. Tonight I stumbled upon a gem that I had to share.

I was working on a spreadsheet containing a handful of items to auction off ebay style. I had a fair market value (fmv) in one column and wanted the starting bid to be half of the fmv. There was just one problem…only weirdos start bids at weird numbers like $12, or worse $12.50.

Enter my newfound friend – “ceiling.math”. After a little bit of googling, I found this little guy and learned it can round up to the nearest multiple of basically anything.

As in ceiling.math($12.50,5) = $15. Don’t you think that’s much more satisfying to look at? If you need a little more precision and are dealing with something like hourly billings, this can help you there too. For example, if you always round up to the nearest half hour on timesheets for billing clients, ceiling.math has you covered, as in ceiling.math(11.25,.5) = 11.5. Simple.

If you’re swimming in spreadsheets everyday and like little nuggets like this, you’ll want to check out my full Excel training so you can get some high-impact efficiency gains in how you work in Excel: